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VOC-46 Daily Audio WMA Devotions - KJV Bible - 86 hours - 366 days - (7) CD data disks

Free Audio Sample of Jan 01st.mp3 14.7 meg

Press to play a audio sample for John Chapter 03 the start of a new beginning for your life.

John Chapter 03

  • These audio recordings are copyrighted and eBibleProductions has a signed license from the copyright owner to sell these recordings of the KJV Bible which are recordings by Willard Waggoner (former missionary to India).

    ·        366 Daily 15 minute Audio Devotions mastered for your DVD Video Player.           

    ·        Daily Readings from Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and the Words of Jesus

    ·        Mastered for your WMA compatible CD Player or these WMA files are transferable from PC to WMA CD or DVD compatible Player

    ·        User friendly navigation choose what Month and Day file you want to listen to

    ·        WMA Daily Devotional Bible may be heard as you travel using an WMA compatible car stereo or while using a portable CD WMA Player

    • Complete Daily Audio Devotional Bible fits on (7) CD's  Higher Quality than other competitor's product on (1) or (2) CD's MP3 Bibles  Wonderful gift for any one who has a WMA Player or to hear His Word read on their TV with a WMA compatible DVD player. With a beautiful, pleasant, voice that shut-ins, and the elderly may also enjoy hearing these Daily Devotions
    • Technology: Most newer DVD Players are WMA  compatible which can also play the WMA files  on these CD's 86 hours of encoded Audio from WAV Masters  

Item Name: Daily Audio WMA Devotions - KJV Bible - 86 hours - 366 days - (7) CD data disks

Item Number: VOC 46
Price: $19.95

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